Thursday, April 1, 2010

Julio prepara la cena!!

Okay, so Jacob is taking Spanish. His most recent assignment was to prepare a mexican dish for all of us to eat and write the instructions, preparation, etc. and submit critiques from three people who ate the meal. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical. The last time Jacob cooked on his own he almost set the house on fire trying to microwave dry macaroni noodles..........and just an FYI - yes, pasta WILL turn completely black in the microwave, but I digress...

The agreed upon recipe was for chicken quesadillas. It was tweaked here and there but here he is in action!

Every good recipe starts with Bacon - ha!

At this point I am holding my breath while watching him use the VERY sharp paring knife.... all went well; no trips to the ER or anything! :)

There was some SERIOUS assembling going on!

Jacob was stressing a little at this point on the foldover so we decided to exploit that for just a moment since he is such an easy target - cruel, I know...... As he is beginning the arduous task of the foldover I hold my hands out and:
Me - "Oh, wait just a minute!!!!!!!!"
Jacob (panicky deer in the headlights look) - "WHAT?!"
Me (((grins)))- "Oh, nothing."
Jacob (not amused at the shenanigans) - "UGH!! I'M GOING TO BURN IT!!"

All in all I have to say that Jacob a/k/a Julio did a bang-up job on the grub. Notice that Hannah, in her usual style, has hijacked yet another photo (bottom right corner):

What a lovely table he prepared

The critiques were another subject altogether and much laughter ensued coming up with them. Jacob was not amused at those either....

#1. Thank God it is finally over. - Hannah.

#2. Nothing a little pepto won't cure...Oh. The burning. - Papa

#3. I was convinced that one of the seven seals had been broken and our house had been plagued with a curse. Please do not give Jacob any more food assignments as ER visits are costly. - Mama

Jacob was concerned over the measly thirty points for the critiques (ha) so he made us do critiques for real. However, me, Papa and Hannah couldn't stop laughing about it. If I was the Spanish teacher, I would have given him an "A" just for creative critiques that made me laugh. Oh well, plain ole boring critiques it was.....

The food was actually really good ~~

Julio prepara la cena muy deliciouso!

Madre y Padre es muy orgullosa de él!!! :)


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